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Things are really heating up. Hold on to your seats its going to be a bumpy ride.

Hearings this week:

SB 146: Creating the Private Property Protection Act
Hearing: 1/28, (S) Judiciary, 8:00 AM
This bill is a monster and, unfortunately, is gaining traction. It will create a litigation mess.
Position: Oppose

SB 175: Allowing for Streamlined Public Hearing Notice Process When Revising Zoning
Hearing: 1/28/25, (S) Local Government, 3:00 PM, Room 405
We’ve requested a friendly amendment and anticipate it being added during executive action.
Position: Support

SB 174: Providing That Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Homes Are Reviewed as B.L.R.
Hearing: 1/31/25, (S) Local Government, 3:00 PM, Room 405
We’ve requested a friendly amendment and anticipate it being added during executive action.
Position: Support

SB 168: Revising Laws Related to Lakeshore Protection
Hearing: 1/29/25, (S) Local Government, 3:00 PM, Room 405
This bill limits local government authority to pursue lakeshore violations after a certain period of time. We don’t anticipate much traction in stopping or amending this bill, so be prepared for it to move quickly through the process.
Position: Oppose


SB 214: Revising Zoning Laws to Clarify Decisions Regarding Prior Nonconforming Use of Property
We have some concerns, but nothing too significant. We might need to triage this bill and monitor its progress through the process.
Position: Watch