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Here’s a brief update for this week.


We currently have one important hearing coming up:

SB 146: Creating the Private Property Protection Act
This bill would gut Title 76, Chapters 1, 2, and 25. Please review it and let your leadership know to oppose it. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/28, at 8:00 AM. It has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee, a committee we don’t have an established relationship with. We will post additional talking points to the bill tracker soon.


Other Bills

SB 121: Revise the Land Use and Planning Act
A hearing for this bill was held on Monday. Unfortunately, it fell on a federal holiday, and we couldn’t arrange testimony.


SB 174: Providing That Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Homes Are Reviewed as B.L.R.
We are still working on friendly amendments.


SB 175: Allowing for a Streamlined Public Hearing Notice Process When Revising Zoning
We are still working on a friendly amendment.


HB 233: Provide for the Transfer of Title of Open Spaces in Final Plat to HOA

This is a new bill to monitor. It allows for the transfer of parkland dedication to an HOA. We don’t see any issues with it at this time.
