Advocating excellence in planning that creates and sustains communities.
The Montana Association of Planners (MAP) is an association of professional planners from public, private, and non-profit entities; planning board members and interested citizens. Though most often associated with guiding future land use and community design, local planning efforts also include planning for public facilities and service needs, historic preservation, environmental protection, transportation, parks and recreation, and economic development. Planning provides options and tools for communities to achieve their vision of the future. MAP takes no position for or against growth, but rather promotes planning as a positive and proactive way to address change in our communities.
Our mission is to advocate excellence in planning that creates and sustains diverse, active and engaged communities, economies, and landscapes. We strive to achieve this by:
- Empowering a diverse membership;
- Providing professional development opportunities; and
- Putting planning knowledge into the hands of citizens and elected officials.
We EDUCATE planners, elected officials, and citizens through the exchange of ideas and information at our annual conference and other educational opportunities.
We are a VOICE for the planning profession; connecting, coordinating, and collaborating with other organizations, community groups, and the public on topics important to planning and community development throughout the State of Montana.
We CONNECT planners throughout the State of Montana through meetings, conferences, and communications to create a sense of community within the profession, and to provide opportunities for planners to build professional relationships.