SB 168: Revise laws related to lakeshore protection Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC1009 Primary Sponsor (S) Hertz Status (S) Committee Report--Bill Passed as Amended Status Date 1/27/25
SB 146: Creating the private property protection act Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC0975 Primary Sponsor Senator Beard Status Amended in E.A. Status Date 2/6/25
HB 233: Provide for transfer of title of open spaces in final plat to HOA Our Stance: watch LC Number LC2535 Primary Sponsor Rep. Griffith Status (S) First Reading Status Date 2/14/25
SB 121: Revise the land use and planning act Our Stance: support LC Number LC0016 Primary Sponsor Sen. Mandeville Status (S) Committee Report--Bill Passed as Amended Status Date 2/14/25