SB 260: Generally revise related to property interests and transfer of businesses Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC2519 Primary Sponsor Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Status Passed House Committee Status Date 4/1/2021
SB 397: Generally revise laws related to accessory dwelling units Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC0872 Primary Sponsor Greg Hertz (R) SD 6 Status Tabled Status Date 4/1/2021
HB 450: Generally revise exemptions for certain divisions of land Our Stance: watch LC Number LC3217 Primary Sponsor Steve Gunderson (R) HD 1 Status Hearing Status Date 3/15/21 (S) Local Gov. Rm 405 3pm
HB 599: Generally revise opencut laws Our Stance: watch LC Number LC1883 Primary Sponsor Steve Gunderson (R) HD 1 Status Passed Senate Committee Status Date 4/1/2021
HB 527: Draft proposals before initiating Part I Zoning board Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC2923 Primary Sponsor Fiona Nave (R) HD 57 Status Hearing Status Date 3/24/21 (S) Local Gov. Rm 405 3pm
HB 498: Clarify jurisdiction of board of oil and gas conservation Our Stance: watch LC Number LC2499 Primary Sponsor Steve Gunderson (R) HD 1 Status Passed Senate Committee Status Date 4/1/2021
SB 349: Revise zoning laws Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC2033 Primary Sponsor Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Status Tabled Status Date 3/1/2021
HB 528: Revise county planning, zoning, and subdivision laws Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC2796 Primary Sponsor Julie Dooling (R) HD 70 Status Tabled Status Date 3/1/2021
HB 529: Revise planning, zoning, and subdivision regulation laws Our Stance: oppose LC Number LC2797 Primary Sponsor Julie Dooling (R) HD 70 Status Tabled Status Date 3/1/2021
SB 294: Referendum to terminate a county zoning district Our Stance: watch LC Number LC3041 Primary Sponsor John Esp (R) SD 30 Status Passed House Committee Status Date 4/1/2021