Legislative Update – 2/17/22
I am sending this out early with Monday being a holiday for many and a busy week ahead (potential 14 bills we need to provide testimony on).
The last day to introduce bills is Friday 2/24, and transmittal is the following Friday. The reality is this next week will see a flurry of hearings, and the week after will mostly be nothing but executive action. If bills don’t get introduced in the next few days, they likely won’t make transmittal.
I am going to break this down by the day.
Monday 2/20 (S) Local Gov.
SB 323 – Allow for duplex, triplex, and fourplex housing in city zoning (Support)
SB 268 – Revise Laws Relating to Short Term Rentals (seeking amendments)
SB 301 – Revise property laws related to lakeshore regulations (oppose)
SB 331 – Revise condo and townhouse exemptions (seeking amendments)
Tuesday 2/21 (H) Local Gov
HB 483 – Generally revise land survey laws AKA One time Split (oppose)
Wednesday 2/22 (S) Local Gov
SB 335 – Allow fraternity or sorority houses near college and university campuses AKA Zoning for Frats (Watch)
Thursday 2/22 (H) Local Gov
SB 130 – Allow for a county consolidated land use board (Support)
SB 131 – Revise exempt subdivision review timelines (Support
Friday 2/24 (S) Local Gov
Nothing yet
Bills that will have hearings next week but not yet scheduled.
SB 379 – Revise zoning laws AKA no county minimum lot sizes (Oppose)
SB 382 – Create the Montana Land Use Planning Act AKA the Working Group Bill (Support)
HB 553 – Housing for Montana Families Act AKA ADU Bill (oppose maybe seeking amendments)
HB 606 – Revise laws related to home-based businesses (oppose maybe seeking amendments)
Bills not introduced yet, but still have a shot
LC1707 – Revise municipal zoning laws AKA Eliminates quasi-judicial boards (Watch)
LC 2657 – Create the state subdivision variance board (Watch)
LC 2658 – Revise local subdivision review procedure for variances (Watch)