Mini-Grant Program

Local Information Session
MAP encourages planners at the local level to hold informational sessions for persons in their communities who have a stake in land use issues including real estate professionals, builders, local government officials, title companies, and surveyors. MAP will provide up to $50 to purchase refreshments and printed materials for these worthwhile local endeavors.

Regional Workshop Program
Members are encouraged to gather with others in their community and neighboring communities (including planning board members, county commissioners, city council members, public and private land managers, real estate professionals, etc.) to pursue specialized training, address issues of common concern and to network. $500 is available per workshop.

MAP Mentoring Program
MAP will help defray the expenses of mentoring activities. Persons interested in participating in the Mentoring Program (as mentors of “mentorees”) should contact the MAP Board of Directors. Up to $500 is available for mentoring activities.
A Call to Action
The Call to Action is an ongoing effort of the MAP Board to engage membership in a conversation about the priorities of the organization. At the 2017 MAP Conference in Miles City, the Call to Action spanned across four sessions covering topics from our Planning and Zoning laws, to the long term structure of MAP. At the 2018 MAP Conference in Whitefish, during the Legislative Committee meeting, the Call to Action focused on the future of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (MSPA). Based on the sessions during the 2017 and 2018 conferences, the MAP Board is working on the following actions:
A Proactive Approach to MSPA Revisions
Members of the MAP Board and MAP Legislative Committee are engaging our NGO partners and trade organizations in conversations on proactive and collaborative ideas for amendments to the MSPA. If successful, this effort will result in MAP being involved in the drafting of legislation. Our goal as an organization is for the MSPA revisions to result in better outcomes for our communities.
Building Organizational Capacity
It came across loud and clear during our discussions in 2017 and 2018, that membership believes there is a need for MAP to increase its organizational capacity. We understand that professional planners are the experts on land use planning principals and practice, we are the only voice for the planning profession in the State of Montana, and we are the only organization in Montana dedicated to educating and connecting planners. We recognize that technical assistance for planners, board members, elected officials, and the public is limited. We as planners know the needs and visions in our individual communities as much as anyone. But most of all, MAP members recognize our ability to accomplish more than what we do today as an organization is extremely limited. To do more for planners, for the profession, for our dedicated citizen volunteers and elected officials, for the public, and most of all for our communities, we need to build organizational capacity.
The MAP Board is working on ways to address our organizational capacity. Any changes will likely result in fundamental shifts in our basic organizational structure. We are looking at options including 501(c)3 status, and/or becoming an official state chapter of the American Planning Association. Whatever options the Board selects for consideration, we will engage MAP Membership prior to taking action.
Technical Assistance Network
Do you have an issue or challenge in your community you just don’t know the answer to?
Members of the Montana Association of Planners can take advantage of our technical assistance network. Simply contact us with your question, and we will send an email to all of membership. Responses will come back directly to you.
Montana Association of Planners Awards
The Montana Association of Planners honors outstanding efforts in planning and planning leadership during our annual conference. We invite you to participate in the celebration of the best in plans and planners by nominating a project or professional you think is deserving of such recognition!
Evaluation criteria for nominees in the categories of Outstanding Professional Planner and Outstanding Planning Project can be found below, along with submittal requirements.
Other Resources
Looking for a resource to help with a project or issue you are having in your community? We maintain links to information that may be helpful.