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The Montana Association of Counties and the Montana League of Cities and Towns are working with the Montana Association of Planners to provide virtual training sessions on changes to Montana Planning Statute enacted during the 2021 Legislative Session.

Tara DePuy, land use attorney for MACo and Kelly Lynch, Deputy Director and General Legal Counsel for the League of Cities and Town, will be discussing legislative changes via Zoom conference on Tuesday starting at noon and lasting approximately one hour.  One piece of legislation or one topic area will be covered each week and questions can be submitted in advance to [email protected] and [email protected].  Best practices will be discussed as we work through the 2021 legislation, but as always, your county attorney or your city attorney is the final advisor for your jurisdiction.

This Weeks Topic: Senate Bill 174

The first Zoom conference will be held on May 4th at noon to discuss SB 174.  

SB0174.pdf ( 

This bill has been sent to the Governor and will be effective upon his signature.  The new requirements for conditions of approval for all subdivisions will apply to subdivisions currently going through the review process that will not receive preliminary plat approval until after the effective date of the bill.

A weekly notice will be sent out regarding the legislation to be discussed at the next Zoom conference.  As there will be limited time each week to discuss each piece of legislation, again, questions in advance will help focus the discussion.  Further guidance may be issued after each week’s discussion to clarify questions.

May 4th Meeting Link:

Topic: 2021 Legislative Wrap Up
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