Become a Member
Join MAP or renew your membership through one of the options below
For APA Members, MAP dues are paid through your yearly APA membership. Join APA and MAP, or renew your APA and MAP membership here.
Not a member of APA, and do not wish to become one? You can still be a member of MAP. Join MAP without becoming a member of APA, or renew your MAP only membership here.
What does your membership do?
MAP is a member driven organization, your membership directly supports you through the mission of the organization. Your membership will:
Help educate you, other planners, elected officials, and citizens through the exchange of ideas and information at our annual conference and other educational opportunities.
Help advocate for your work and the planning profession by connecting, coordinating, and collaborating with other organizations, community groups, and the public on topics important to planning and community development throughout the State of Montana.
Help connect you and planners throughout the State of Montana through meetings, conferences, and communications to create a sense of community within the profession, and to provide opportunities for planners to build professional relationships.